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Src 2 Inline Documentation

Icon LinkSRC-2: Inline Documentation

The following standard intends to define the structure and organization of inline documentation for functions, structs, enums, storage, configurables, and more within the Sway Language. This is a living standard.

Icon LinkMotivation

The standard seeks to provide a better developer experience using Fuel's tooling and the Language Server. This will allow for better interoperability between applications and enable developers to quickly understand any external code they are using or implementing.

Icon LinkPrior Art

A number of pre-existing functions in the sway standard library Icon Link, sway-applications Icon Link, and sway-libs Icon Link repositories have inline documentation. The inline documentation for these is already compatible with Fuel's VS Code extension. These however do not all follow the same structure and outline.

Icon LinkSpecification

Icon LinkFunctions

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for functions. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each function. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkFunctions: Description

This section has no header. A simple explanation of the function's intent or functionality. Example:

/// This function computes the hash of two numbers.

Icon LinkFunctions: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the function's intent or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This function also has some complex behaviors.

Icon LinkFunctions: Arguments

This section has a h1 header. Lists the arguments of the function's definition with the * symbol and describes each one. The list SHALL provide the name, type, and description. The argument SHALL be encapsulated between two backticks: argument. The type SHALL be encapsulated between two square brackets: [type]. Example:

/// # Arguments
/// * `argument_1`: [Identity] - This argument is a user to be hashed.

Icon LinkFunctions: Returns

This section has a h1 header. Lists the return values of the function with the * symbol and describes each one. This list SHALL be in the order of the return index and provide the type and description. The type SHALL be encapsulated between two square brackets: [type]. Example:

/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The number of hashes performed.

Icon LinkFunctions: Reverts

This section has a h1 header. Lists the cases in which the function will revert starting with the * symbol. The list SHALL be in the order of occurrence within the function. Example:

/// # Reverts
/// * When `argument_1` or `argument_2` are a zero [b256].

Icon LinkFunctions: Number of Storage Accesses

This section has a h1 header. Provides information on how many storage reads, writes, and clears occur within the function. Example:

/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
/// * Clears: `2`

Icon LinkFunctions: Examples

This section has a h1 header. This section provides an example of the use of the function. This section is not required to follow the SRC-2 standard however encouraged for auxiliary and library functions. Example:

/// # Examples
/// ```sway
/// fn foo(argument_1: b256, argument_2: b256) {
///     let result = my_function(argument_1, argument_2);
/// }

Icon LinkStructs

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for structs. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each struct. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkStructs: Description

This section has no header. A simple explanation of the struct's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// This struct contains information on an NFT.

Icon LinkStructs: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the struct's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This struct also has some complex behaviors.

Icon LinkFields

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for fields within structs. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each field. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkFields: Description

This section has no header. Each field SHALL have its own description with a simple explanation of the field's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// This field represents an owner.
field_1: Identity,

Icon LinkFields: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the field's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This field also has some complex behaviors.

Icon LinkEnums

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for enums. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each enum. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkEnums: Description

This section has no header. A simple explanation of the enum's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// This enum holds the state of a contract.

Icon LinkEnums: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the enum's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This enum also has some complex behaviors.

Icon LinkVariant

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for fields within enums. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each field. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkVariant: Description

This section has no header. Each variant SHALL have its own description with a simple explanation of the variant's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// This variant represents the uninitialized state of a contract.
variant_1: (),
/// This variant represents the initialized state of a contract.
variant_2: Identity,

Icon LinkVariant: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the variant's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This variant also has some complex behaviors.

Icon LinkErrors

In Sway, errors are recommended to be enums. They SHALL follow the same structure and order for inline documentation as described above for enums. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each error. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkLogs

In Sway, logs are recommended to be structs. They SHALL follow the same structure and order for inline documentation as described above for structs. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each log. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkStorage

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for variables within the storage block. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each storage variable. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkStorage: Description

This section has no header. A simple explanation of the storage variable's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// This storage variable is used for state.

Icon LinkStorage: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the storage variable's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This storage variable maps a user to a state.

Icon LinkConfigurable

The following describes the structure and order of inline documentation for variables in the configurable block. Some sections MAY NOT apply to each storage variable. When a section is not relevant it SHALL be omitted.

Icon LinkConfigurable: Description

This section has no header. A simple explanation of the configurable variable's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// This configurable variable is used for an address.

Icon LinkConfigurable: Additional Information

This section has a h1 header. This section is directly below the description and can provide additional information beyond the configurable variable's purpose or functionality. Example:

/// # Additional Information
/// This configurable variable makes security assumptions.

Icon LinkOther Sections

If the above described sections are not relevant for the information that needs to documented, a custom section with a arbitrary h1 header may be utilized.


/// # Recommended Message Style
/// We recommend that `expect` messages are used to describe the reason you *expect* the `Option` should be `Some`.

Icon LinkRationale

The SRC-2 standard should help provide developers with an easy way to both quickly write inline documentation and get up to speed on other developers' code. This standard in combination with Fuel's VS Code extension provides readily accessible information on functions, structs, and enums

Screenshot 2023-05-10 125656

Icon LinkBackwards Compatibility

There are no standards that the SRC-2 standard requires to be backward compatible with.

Icon LinkSecurity Considerations

This standard will improve security by providing developers with relevant information such as revert cases.

Icon LinkExamples

Icon LinkFunction Example

/// Ensures that the sender is the owner.
/// # Arguments
/// * `number`: [u64] - A value that is checked to be 5.
/// # Returns
/// * [bool] - Determines whether `number` is or is not 5.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the sender is not the owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
/// # Examples
/// ```sway
/// use ownable::Ownership;
/// storage {
///     owner: Ownership = Ownership::initialized(Identity::Address(Address::zero())),
/// }
/// fn foo() {
///     storage.owner.only_owner();
///     // Do stuff here
/// }
pub fn only_owner(self, number: u64) -> bool {
    require(self.owner() == State::Initialized(msg_sender().unwrap()), AccessError::NotOwner);
    number == 5

Icon LinkStruct Examples

/// Metadata that is tied to an asset.
pub struct NFTMetadata {
    /// Represents the ID of this NFT.
    value: u64,
/// Log of a bid.
pub struct Bid {
    /// The number of coins that were bid.
    amount: u64,
    /// The user which placed this bid.
    bidder: Identity,

Icon LinkEnum Examples

/// Determines the state of ownership.
pub enum State {
    /// The ownership has not been set.
    Uninitialized: (),
    /// The user who has been given ownership.
    Initialized: Identity,
    /// The ownership has been given up and can never be set again.
    Revoked: (),
/// Error log for when access is denied.
pub enum AccessError {
    /// Emitted when the caller is not the owner of the contract.
    NotOwner: (),

Icon LinkStorage Examples

storage {
    /// An asset which is to be distributed.
    asset: Option<AssetId> = Option::None,
    /// Stores the ClaimState of users that have interacted with the Airdrop Distributor contract.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// Maps (user => claim)
    claims: StorageMap<Identity, ClaimState> = StorageMap {},

Icon LinkConfigurable Example

configurable {
    /// The threshold required for activation.
    THRESHOLD: u64 = 5,