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Preuploading Code

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If you have a script or predicate that is larger than normal or which you plan on calling often, you can pre-upload its code as a blob to the network and run a loader script/predicate instead. The loader can be configured with the script/predicate configurables, so you can change how the script/predicate is configured on each run without having large transactions due to the code duplication.

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A high level pre-upload:


The upload of the blob is handled inside of the convert_into_loader method. If you want more fine-grained control over it, you can create the script transaction manually:

let regular = Executable::load_from(binary_path)?;
let configurables = MyScriptConfigurables::default().with_SECRET_NUMBER(10001)?;
let loader = regular
// The Blob must be uploaded manually, otherwise the script code will revert.
let encoder = fuels::core::codec::ABIEncoder::default();
let token = MyStruct {
    field_a: MyEnum::B(99),
    field_b: Bits256([17; 32]),
let data = encoder.encode(&[token])?;
let mut tb = ScriptTransactionBuilder::default()
wallet.adjust_for_fee(&mut tb, 0).await?;
wallet.add_witnesses(&mut tb)?;
let tx = tb.build(&provider).await?;
let response = provider.send_transaction_and_await_commit(tx).await?;

Icon LinkPredicates

You can prepare a predicate for pre-uploading without doing network requests:

let configurables = MyPredicateConfigurables::default().with_SECRET_NUMBER(10001)?;
let predicate_data = MyPredicateEncoder::default().encode_data(1, 19)?;
let executable =
let loader = executable
let mut predicate: Predicate = Predicate::from_code(loader.code()).with_data(predicate_data);

Once you want to execute the predicate, you must beforehand upload the blob containing its code:

let expected_fee = 1;
        predicate_balance - expected_fee,

By pre-uploading the predicate code, you allow for cheaper calls to the predicate from subsequent callers.